Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Today is the Great Day; FireFox3 Download Day 2008

Its your chance, yeah to be a part of Guinness World Record along with Mozilla on its 10th Anniversary. That's today, on their 10th anniversary celebration they have set the release date of their much awaited FireFox 3. Mozilla community is ready to celebrate this whole year with a world record mission of "Most downloaded software in 24 hours".

People all over the globe have pledged to download FireFox 3 on the Download Day 2008. Its now an amazing population on the pledge map. Total people that have pledged till now whole over the world is 1,384,489 . We can say at least in the web browser segment Open Source rules. From India we have 27,536 pledges so far.

So to become the part of this Guinness World Record, all you have to do is pledge that you will download FireFox 3 today at the Mozilla community Spread FireFox, and download it at the release time today itself. The time and download details will be published at Spread FireFox site: www.spreadfirefox.com

Click below the Spread FireFox banner and pledge that you will be a part of Guinness World Record with FireFox 3 here itself, and don't forget to download......
Download Day - English

Enjoy FireFox 3 D'day 2008!!!


Proposed release time :- 10:00AM PDT, thats about 10:30 PM IST. So we Indians have to wait a little bit, but its worth the waiting.

Update at 11:39PM :

Release time again changed, damn I can't wait any longer!! New release time is 17:00 UTC June 18, or roughly 24 hours from now.

Update at 12:13AM June 18 :

hey, Mozillla guys solved the cause of the delay in release time of FF3. Now its released on their web site. I'm right now downloading it, being a part of the Guinness World Record myself!!! Click here to download your FireFox3........

Update at 1:01AM June 18 :

At last, downloaded and installed FireFox3!!!! a long awaited release from Mozilla community. I'm now updating the blog from FF3.....Cheers!! to all FireFox3 users and community members......

I have decided to take the Open Souce high-way........

yah.....am back to the geeky mood again after a long break. Those exams were driving me nuts :( , now I feel a great relief from those boring writing sections..........I have not been blogging or active any technical forums. Now "am back", fresh :)

But these hard times usually make me think about myself. I never was interested in sharing my works with others, be it software development, or any design, or any hacks or cracks. I usually kept my source always secret as possible as I can, always made sure proper abstraction was implied to code snippets or design templates I used. But to be frank, I was interested in coping others' special works. At this stage of my life, when I pictured myself, I felt bad about this attitude of mine. So after a long hard to take decision, I have decided to go the Open Source way.

As a first step towards this move, I have decided to try GNU/Linux as my second development platform. I have to say that the ThinkDigit Forum Linux lovers have given me a great encouragement in this phase. I have to surely thank those eager to help guys for their interest shown towards helping a newbie to enter the world of Free Software Foundation(FSF).

huh, so am here guys to share my ideas and my concepts to those who are interested in listening, and those who are ready to share it to others. Enjoy the Freedom.......but if someone is not ready to share, let it be like that......am not ready to say others are bad, and not yet ready to ditch the Microsoft revolution completely.